(i just looked over all of this and it is a REALLY long post...)Ok, so we have been floating around here....it's been a whirlwind of emotions!
Our call story will actually start out Tuesday October 6
th. As you can see from the post two below this one I was a little bummed. I had come to believe that we were unofficially #1 on the boys list. Kiersten, our case manager, emailed us our official
wait list number Tuesday evening. We came in at #2 on the boys list. Oh, I was bummed...
I had been really stressed over this call. I tried not to be anxious, but I was. I checked my phone every 5 minutes, my blog every 5 minutes, and my email every 5 minutes. I was
literally driving myself crazy! I had our video camera set out and our camera ready to go. If I left the house I made sure that the camera was with me. I was beginning to feel really impatient.
After the update on Tuesday I realized that I need to completely give this up to God. No wondering when it would be or wondering what other people were posting. I decided to not look or update my blog until our referral, not looking at any posts on the
listserv (yahoo group for our agency), and just not worrying about it. I prayed about it that night and also during my
quiet time on Wednesday morning. I felt really peaceful all morning and really joyous, like a burden had been lifted. Not that it was a burden, but I always had my mind racing. I was watching my nephew, Ashton, as I do every Wednesday for my sister, so we were pretty busy around here. Schooling my 5 year old and looking after two two year
olds. Amazingly I was very calm and relaxed. So we took a walk because it was a beautiful day. We went to the playground in our neighborhood and played. The kids really had a great time together. After I got the two year
olds in the stroller and Maggie and I started walking back home my cell phone rang. I
didn't think anything of it. I looked and it was the area code for Portland. I was like "I wonder why she is calling?" (i had gotten the official numbers about 15 hours previous to this call.) I answered "hello". "hi
christie this is
kiersten with all gods children"
me - "hi
her - "how are you?"
me - "good we are just going for a walk because it is such a beautiful day"
her - "its nice to enjoy this fall weather"
me- "yep it is"
her - "well the reason for my call is i have a baby boy i would like to talk to you about"
me - "are you serious?"
her - "yes" (giggle)
me - "no way"
her - giggle "yes" "is now a good time or do you want to get back to your house?"
me - "i will wait until we get back to our house"
her "
ok give me a call back and we can conference
adam in"
me- "
ok, it will be about 20 minutes"
her - "
ok i will talk to you then"
So now here I am wanting to run as fast as a can home. I have a double stroller with two kids in it and another walking. So I take Maggie my 5 year old and put her in the seat that my two year old Hazel is in and put Hazel on her lap. Now I am pushing the stroller plus like 90 lbs of kid. I get home as fast as I can. I think I burned
alot of calories! On the way home I call Adam and say "Adam Kiersten will be calling you, do you have somewhere you can talk in about 20 minutes?" I tell him she has a baby boy she wants to talk to us about. Oh wow so exciting!!!!
So I get home sweating and shaking and wondering if what just happened was actually me imagining things. So I turn on the
tv for the girls and
ashton. Barbie
fairytopia or something. Set up the video camera and get the camera out. Tell Maggie that I need her to take a picture of me. She resisted a bit, but then she said "only a few" So I sit down at the table and call Kiersten. She tries to call Adam on his cell and his work phone and he
doesnt answer. I was like I just called him and told him she would be calling. So I called him on our home line and he said that it
hadnt been 20 minutes and he was headed back to his office right then. Kiersten gets back on the phone and says she tried again and he
didnt answer so we hung up. She finally get
ahold of him and they conference me in. But before they got me
conferenced in she
accidentally dropped Adam and had to call him back.
Since the first call from Kiersten it now seems like an eternity, but it had been about 30 minutes.
She goes into telling us about our baby boy. He was born Sept 12
th which makes him
3 weeks old. oh how sweet!!!!!! We were so amazed that he was so young. For some reason we imagined that he would be older. He weighs just over 6 lbs...oh he is so tiny!!! my two year old
weighed 9 lbs and 15 oz at birth!
She then tells us his name. She said that this she finds really interesting.....(I know I am not supposed to post the baby's name here, but I have to) His name that his birth mother gave him is non other than.....Adam!!! Wow, God, you are amazing!!!!! This baby was
definitely meant for us. What a sign!!!!! He shares the same name as daddy!!!! and daddy is so proud!!!
She told us about his birth mother and her story...She told us about all of his background info...She told us about his medical stuff, which looks really good!!!
Alot of what she told us was a
blurr, so
fortunately everything she told us was in the email she was sending us.
She also told us to let her know as soon as we could if we wanted to go ahead and proceed and get our referral packet. I said I can tell you right now that we want to move ahead. So she
overnighted the packet to us. (we got it this morning)
So then we got off the phone and Adam
couldnt leave work for about 45 minutes. So I decide to start calling our family so I can keep busy waiting for him to come home to see this sweet baby boy for the first time.
So Adam gets home and we open his pictures. We got 3 of them. I wanted more so bad! He is so tiny and so adorable!!!!
We were so excited and so so very surprised by our call. I wanted a surprise and a good call story and we got one!
My heart is aching for little Adam's birth mother. We will forever be attached to this women and I will forever pray for her. It is so hard imaging her circumstances and my emotions are pouring out for her right now.
This little guy is so amazingly handsome. I so wish I could show him off to all of my
bloggy friends right now!!! He has so much hair!!! and it is really straight! I am not sure if this is baby hair and it will come in differently or not. If any of you out there know feel free to let me know.
Our international pediatrician already got back to us this morning and she gave us the green light! He looks perfectly healthy and all of his medical stuff checks out well and all of his tests were negative!!!
So now we are gazing at his pictures at all times. We had a bunch printed and I put some black and white ones in the frames in his room. I still need to post pics of his room!! I will try to do that soon! Right now we are working on all of this referral packet and we have our referral call this next Tuesday!!! Moving along so quickly!!!
hasnt even been 6 months since we were first approved with
AGCI! This has been an amazing journey that God has sent us on :)
And before I forget...I said I would tell you his name that we are giving him when we got our referral...Ezekial and calling him Zek and putting his African name as his middle name...but wait...with that name Adam we have been thinking differently....His name will be Adam Ezekial, but we will still call him Zek. Adam said that he had thought about this earlier in the day today and I actually had as well. So that is what his name will be!!!
Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy...
I am going to bed!
His sweet little hands

Look at all of that hair!!!