Last weekend we celebrated Hazels 2nd Birthday! She had a Hello Kitty birthday party and got to go to Build A Bear and build her very own Hello Kitty! It's hard to believe that it has been two years since welcoming our 9 lbs 15 oz new baby girl into our family. She has done so much changing the past two years. Now saying lots of words, showing her likes and dislikes, climbing on everything, seeing how everything works (we call it being curious!), being so lovable, sleeping in her big girl bed, and playing right alongside big sister. She is an amazing little girl with so much energy and imagination. (pictures below)
On Hazels birthday she decided that she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed, so we let her try. On previous attempts it has not worked out! This time it did! and now she has slept in it for 6 nights in a row all night long! We were actually looking into getting another crib for baby brother because we didnt think that we would be able to get her to make the transition! She did it on her own! God you are so good! Now lets work on the potty training thing!
Another big even this past week was Maggie starting Kindergarten. She goes to a school that is 3 days a week home schooling and 2 days a week at school. It is a hybrid school. We are so very excited about it and think it is the best of both worlds! Although it has been very difficult dropping Maggie off the two days this week! She is my baby girl and really hasnt been away from me much! I cried both days. Hopefully next week I will feel a little better about it. Hazel was very upset the first day. She probably wondered why we were leaving Maggie. Maggie LOVES the school. She couldnt wait to go back for her second day! It is nice getting one on one time with Hazel. I had never been anywhere with just the two of us. We got to go to the zoo on Thursday and it was a lot of fun just focusing on her. So we will enjoy that for the next few months until baby brother comes and then we can enjoy time with him too!

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