These words were taken from this blog...
I would like to introduce you to my new friend
Christie from COMPASS IN MY HEART. She took a trip to Uganda, fell in love with a village where they still practice witchcraft, and came back here to the US determined to make a difference for them. She has helped get the village people
clean water, helped build a
new school so that 100 more children can attend school than were able to before, took on the task of finding
sponsors for the 120 children who were already enrolled in school who had their sponsorships pulled this year (plus the 100 NEW students the school will have), and did I mention she has given up everything here in the United States to MOVE to that village in Uganda? In fact...she leaves TOMORROW! I am giddy with excitement for her....it's not an easy path to follow and go to the hard places for Christ. But she is doing it. And we can help her. AND we can help the 103 children that still need sponsored for the school year that starts sometime after the first of the year.
First off....
go to her blog and spend a few minutes reading. Get to
hear her heart yourself. Other ways you can help is with her jewelry. She is selling Ugandan bead jewelry as fundraising for the village. Currently she is giving some away for FREE!!! Definitely go learn how you can do that. The next thing you can do is
sponsor a child for the school.
Sponsorship is only $100 for the whole year.
That will give the child education, school supplies, uniforms, new shoes, medical and dental care (for the first time ever for most of them) a chance to hear the gospel and how much Christ loves them, and best of all that child will get HOPE- HOPE that they can do something with an education to hopefully help impact the poverty they live in.
- HOPE that they can change the country and world they live in.
- HOPE for an amazing future.
Don't have $100 to spare? Do you and 9 others of your friends have just $10 each? How about at work? Think you can get enough co-workers on board for $5-$10 each to sponsor a child?
Make this Christmas count. Invest in a life instead of investing in something that you will need to keep buying batteries for every month or two....or something that will end up in a closet never to be looked at again....or something that will just end up being re-gifted because the recipient never really wanted it in the first place......
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and so glad to see Christie's story shared!! And I am happy to of stumbled upon your blog now! I better get reading to catch up on here! :)