So I remembered that I wrote a post near the end of November that we had been cloth diapering for for 2 or 3 weeks and I said I would post more info soon. Well we have almost hit the 2 month month and oh do we LOVE cloth diapering!!!!
I wanted to give some of my tips, tricks, and a little product info.
First off you DO NOT have to put a ton of money into cloth diapers. I mean that is why we started cloth diapering. Spending so much on diapers you just throw away and have to keep on buying just wasn't working for our budget. I am a stay at home mom and my husband is employed by our church. His job is amazing, but ya know it is a ministry job. We arent rolling in the dough-(but we are rolling in love) :)
So Adam sold a Star Wars collection that was collecting dust, spiders, and who knows what else in our garage. It bought $150 worth of diapering supplies. It wasnt exactly enough for two babies full time cloth diapering, but we made do. I had to a load of wash every day or two.
Since then we have gotten a few more supplies. A few more prefolds -thanks to Adams mom. and another diaper cover. So still less than $200 for two babies.
A fellow adoptive mommy saw that we were cloth diapering and sent us some more diaper covers and prefolds. Thank God!!! I need some more covers!!! They are in the mail right now and I cant wait to get them!!! Thank you Sarah!!!
So What did we start out with... (remember this is for two will need less for 1 baby)
Green Mountain diapers prefolds (prefolds are your typical cloth diaper) (we have the red trim and they could be used for smaller babies and larger than our boys- so they will last)
Econobum cover with 3 Econobum prefolds (covers go over your prefold) (with covers as long as poopy didnt leak out you can wipe it out and reuse it. We usually use one a day unless poopy gets into it)
Thirsties cover (cover over prefold)
flip diaper cover with
4 inserts (the flip diaper has pad-like inserts. this diaper works pretty well but with runny breastfed baby poop it leaks into the cover, but not out onto his clothes)
bumgenius doublers (great for night time, so we dont have leaks)
pack of
6 fleece liners (fleece help keep moisture off the if they get a rash or if you want to use it when they may be exposed to moisture for a longer period of time)
pack of flushable liners (cutey baby-DO NOT recommend these. it is easier just to rinse the poopy out) - these liners are just too narrow...i am sure there has to be a liner that is bigger out there
Diaper sprayer - We didnt have this the first two weeks...this is a life saver...if you are cloth diapering you NEED to get one. This one from Sigma Product is awesome. you can look on ebay and purchase it for around $20. Don't buy the brand name ones because they cost too much and this one works great! -hooks right onto your toilet
Snappis (this is to hold your prefold diaper in place in the place of pins) LOVE
Kawaii pocket diapers. (these diapers are a one time use then wash diaper. So easy to put on and off. as fast as putting on a disposable diaper. We really like these and they are super duper inexpensive!!!
then we got...12 more green mountain prefolds
6 other prefolds. (i think bummis)
1 more thirsties cover
I have been looking into getting a wetbag (liner) for the trash can I use for dirty diapers and I couldnt see spending $20 on a liner. I also wanted a few for the diaper bag. These are waterproof bags that you wash with the load of laundry and they are made with PUL fabric. I decided to go to the fabric store with my 40% off coupon and buy some. I made 2 big bags to line the diaper pail and 2 small bags for the diaper bag for $13!!!!!! Yippeeeee.
Really all we need is more diaper covers and we are set...and those will be coming in the mail soon
I have now been doing cloth diaper laundry every 3 days. We have been washing the covers by hand because we dont have enough to wait to wash them with the other diapers. I want to start doing diaper laundry 2 days a week and no washing by hand between. Thats the goal.
All of these things will take us until the boys are potty trained. So I am thinking 2 more years or more!!! Can you just think of all the money that we are saving?!
but wait there...since cloth diapering we had still been using disposable diaper wipes until a week ago...we took the plunge and started using washable wipes. We bought some cheapy baby washcloths from walmart and I also cut up some old recieving blankets and made wipes from those. I fold each square in half and put them in an empty wipe container. I make wipe solution myself. About a cup of water, 2 squirts of baby wash, and a squirt of baby oil. You just take it and pour it onto the wipes. It is so super easy!!!
this is a Kawaii pocket diaper
this is the Kawaii in the inside. It is lined with fleece and has a pocket for the absorbent insert. we put two inserts in for bedtime and never have leaks

This is the Thirsties cover.
A lot of our diapering stash we bought from
Kelly's Closet. They always have coupon codes out there for free diapers or free shipping. Just search for Kelly's Closet coupon codes.
We LOVE cloth diapering so much I just wanted to share a little of what I know. I LOVE saving the money that we were literally throwing away.
If you have cloth diapering questions feel free to leave a comment or email me. Our email is at the right hand side of this blog.