Maggie turned 5 this past weekend! It seems like yesterday that I was holding a 7 lb 1 oz new baby girl in my arms for the first time. She is growing to be an amazing little girl. Wise beyond her years and faith like nobody I have known. She is an amazing gift from God and I am so glad that I can call her my daughter. When she smiles I have always said that her whole face smiles. Her eyes just light up. She amazes me everyday with all of her cute little remarks and questions. I love that she loves to cuddle and loves to spend time together. We went on a mommy daughter date last night and it was so much fun. I love her little laugh. I love how she is so giggly when it's time to go to sleep. I love that she wakes up every night to sleep on our love seat in mommy and daddy's room, just so she can be close to us. I love that she wants to play with us so much. I love when she plays pretend and makes her pony's or lizards talk. I love that she always remembers to pray and loves for us to read her bible to her. I love that she loves lizards and snakes. I love that she is a girly girl and a tom boy all wrapped into one. I love her imagination. I love that when I say "how did you get so big so fast" she says "i will always be your baby". I love her.
Maggie had a great time with family and friends at her party. The morning of her birthday she received a present from mommy and daddy. She was surprised with her first American Girl Doll. She loves it and loves to brush her hair over and over again!!! During her party we did a pinata, decorated hats, played pin the skirt on the barbie, ate cake, and opened presents. I think her favorite gift at the party was from Granny. She got her very own fish tank and fish!!! She names is sparkles and LOVES it. She takes very good care of it. Next year she wants a bearded dragon (it is a lizard). We will see. Overall her birthday was fantastic!!!
Happy 5th Birthday Maggie.