One year ago today we got a phone call that would change our lives forever. We got our referral for a 3 week old 6 lb baby boy named Adam. We got to see his beautiful little face for the first time and were instantly in love.

Here is the post for that day...http://knowingnobounds.blogspot.com/2009/10/we-got.html
You can click here to read about our call...http://knowingnobounds.blogspot.com/2009/10/our-call.html
It is crazy that is has been a year already! We are so blessed to be Zeks parents and so happy that he was brought into our lives. It is also crazy how much was going on this time last year. Started with our referral, then Zek was in the hospital in Ethiopia, then I found out I was pregnant, then we didnt think the pregnancy was good, then Adam started his new job with our church, then we passed court, then we found out that we really were having a good pregnancy, then I quit my part time job as nursery coordinator with our church, then we traveled to Ethiopia right before Christmas. (so all of that happened in a span of a little over two months!!!) crazy...wow...
and then 9 months to the day after Zeks referral we had Emery...
and if you havent watched our "gotcha day video" here it is...
AMAZING!!!! Time flies :)