Hazel and Maggie started dance class this past week. Maggie started taking dance last year, but this year was Hazels first year. Maggie did great during her class and really enjoyed it. She is a great dancer. When Hazels class first started she just sat there while the other girls were dancing, but after 5 minutes or so she got up and started joining in. She LOVED it and it was so CUTE! last year she really enjoyed watching Maggie dance and would always wear dance clothes to Maggies class, she is excited now she gets to take her own class. the pic above and the one below are hazel in her class.

Chick fil a was giving away free chicken sandwiches to each customer. 4 free sandwiches, we are there! it was so crazy busy inside that we pulled out a blanket and sat outside of chick fil a and had a picnic! we may have looked crazy, but we were having fun!

Hey Haz do you think my driving is ok?

We had a picnic that morning with donuts at the park

me and my littlest man

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