We have come a long way...Hazel
didnt want much to do with her new baby brother for a long time. Now she is in love with him. She said "i want to hold
zek" when I was holding him while he slept. I had to let her. It was the first time she asked.

Maggie loves taking care of
Zek. She is his little mom.

We have gotten lots and lots of snow this week. The girls have loved it.

We made valentine cookies and they were very yummy.
Zek loves to suck on his ring finger and middle finger. He does it all of the time. It is kinda like he is signing "I Love You". too cute

Another family pic

Okay so I am looking at
Maggies school lessons for the day on our computer and I put
Zek down right behind me so he can watch our turtle swim in it's tank. The girls are playing dress up. I look down at
Zek after a few minutes and see that the girls have joined
Zek in on their dress up time. Sorry
Zek but I thought the picture was too funny to not post and your sisters thought it was hilarious. What can you expect with 2 big sisters who love to be girly girls.

Zek looking cute.
Zek is so much fun. I thought I would see if he fit in the girls doll crib. He did barely.

Maggie being crazy before bed.

Hazel in her Ethiopia dress.

It has been a good week this week. We are settling in more and more.
Zek has had an awesome week of sleep. Last night he slept all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yippeeeeee!!!!!!!! 8pm - 6:30am and then back to sleep until I had to wake him up at 7:45. Let's make this the norm Zek!!!!