It has been forever since I have done a post...
Things have been a bit crazy around here. Going from two to three kids has been a bigger change than what we had anticipated! I
havent had any time to do a post. Really I
Our trip to Ethiopia was great! Meeting
Zek was amazing!!!!!
Let's start everything off by telling all of you that.......
Zek is going to be a big brother! We are expecting our 4th child on the 4th of July! We have known for awhile but wanted to wait to announce it
publicly. I am 16 weeks now. This was a huge surprise for us!!!!! We talked to
AGCI and everything was
ok with me being pregnant because of where we were in our adoption process. Gods plans are pretty amazing! Our adoption from start to finish took 8 months! I know that it went so fast because it needed to if we were to get pregnant when we did. So our family is growing
ALOT faster than we had ever imagined!
Up until about 14 weeks pregnant I get extremely sick. Yep I was having all day morning sickness while in Ethiopia! Not fun. I was actually dreading the trip feeling so bad, but I stuck it out through the week and made the best of it.
Upon coming home we
hadnt slept in over a day, we had jet lag, I was feeling
soooo sick, and we were coming back home to our two girls.
Zek did not sleep well during his first two weeks home. He would wake up about every 20 minutes throughout the night! and he cried often...Hazel had a horrible time adjusting to her new roll as big sister and she got sick over Christmas. She is doing much better now adjusting to her new roll as big sister. Maggie has been in love with
Zek from day one. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband and he has been an amazing help! He did pretty much everything the first two weeks home.
So needless to say we had a
rough start. Things are going much better now.
Zek is sleeping better and not crying like he did. Although he still prefers to be held
alot. We are bonding and attaching well. He is so young that he cant really show preference to us yet. But I cant wait for the day he reaches his arms out for us!
I am extremely tired all of the time, so that is why I have not posted anything. I tend to go to sleep right when the kids do. Having a new baby and a baby on the way and the two girls is hard work!
Here are some pictures of the past month...
Us meeting
Zek for the first time.

Isnt he a doll? Everybody says he looks like one :)

His hair can get pretty crazy. We are learning what to do with it :)

His new favorite past time. sucking on his fingers.

forgot to rotate this picture. this is new years eve.

Attempt at some family pictures. You can tell Adam and I are pretty exhausted!

another attempt

The girls making
Zek some 4 month birthday cupcakes (i have to have an excuse to make them!)
Zek with icing on his nose. ( i
didnt really let him eat cupcakes!)

Hazel eating cupcakes

Maggie icing on her face. We
didnt make the icing look like a heart. Somehow it happened on its own. Maggie thought it was pretty cool.